Sharing the upcoming trends in color palettes in case you were motivated over the winter to do some freshening up of your interior spaces.
Video covering the thought of purchasing a home in the city where your child is going to college.
When It’s Time to Get an Accountant to Do Your Taxes Do you need a CPA? Or will a regular accountant do? Read Visit houselogic.com for more articles like this. Copyright 2017 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®
The appraisal cycle in Montana is now every 2 years for most properties (still 6 years for properties classified as “Forest”). Tax assessments are mailed out annually and usually appear sometime in the Spring, however in 2015 many didn’t receive their assessments until July. We routinely receive phone calls from property owners (most on waterfront (continued…)
Buying a home for the first time, or need a little update on why? Its good to call on several insurance companies to get a quote as they can vary widely. A great way to get insurance company names is to ask your REALTOR, your parents, friends or a trusted business owner in the area (continued…)
Wondering how to position that new sofa…or how to make a new style with your same furniture? Here are some tips on furniture arranging!
I came across this article which had been shared on Facebook. Its got fun ideas to enhance your backyard. Some of the projects are more involved and some would just be fun to do with some youngsters.
Should I listen to my neighbor on pricing? Should I change out that stained carpet? Can I sell my place “as-is”? To help answer these question and others I came upon this great article this morning that talks about some common myths when selling a home or land.
Whether you own property on Flathead Lake, or another greater Flathead Valley area lake or river you’ll need a permit to do any improvements on your shoreline, adding or fixing a dock, or even attending to trees and brush along the waterfront area. Reading over the shoreline regulations through Flathead County Planning or Lake County (continued…)
Improving home energy efficiency is no longer a trend — it’s mainstream. Scott is one of those people early on who built his home using a Geothermal (or “ground-source”) heating and cooling systems. A geothermal system uses the temperature of the ground to condition the air that is distributed through the house using conventional duct (continued…)
Follow this link to see our mobile realty website! What: After the recent launch in August of our new website, our stellar design team started work on changing it again to be “smartphone” and iPhone compatible. It is now ready for you to use! Why: Not only will you be able to do normal searches, (continued…)
With a lifetime of experience living here in Montana's Flathead Valley, we can answer any question you might have—we've got a ton of real estate expertise, but we can also help with the practical stuff too, like where the best fishing spots are, when ski season begins, and what to do if a moose wanders into your property.
Give us a call, or drop us a note, we'd love to introduce ourselves...
(406) 837-5531 | email: Scott, Diana, Kellie, Drew, or Dane